Monday 14 June 2010


Anyone is entitled to object to any planning application. Equally you may wish to lend your support.

Every planning application is considered and determined having regard to the Development Plan and any other material considerations. The Development Plan includes National and Regional Planning Guidance, the County Structure Plan or Unitary Development Plan, Local Plans and any supplementary planning guidance.

You may have a social, political, environmental or purely personal concern about a particular development proposal, but to be effective any objection or supporting statements
must focus upon the 'planning merits' of the case.

These would include the relevant planning policies applicable to the property and area concerned, as well as consideration of such matters as the impact of the scheme upon the local environment, highways issues, nature conservation, flood risk and many more detailed issues.

(Reproduced by kind permission from

1 comment:

  1. So far MHDC have only received two letters of objection and I'm not sure if either of them pass the "planning merits" test.

    The Police have objected to the "covered way" leading from Teme Street to the proposed Tesco front door.

    The development will require an archaeological survey and a contaminated ground survey.
