Boston Borough Council have embarked on a project that will ensure the regeneration of their old market place so that it will help regenerate the local economy, improve the surroundings of it's town centre and encourage more tourist visitors.
Quotes from the article:
Cllr Richard Dungworth, said: “This seeks to make better use of the area. It has been primarily,dominated by car parking for many years and while the general view is that some parking must be maintained the overriding view coming forward is that we need to give it back to the people, with better pedestrianised areas and the opportunity for new social uses.
“The Market Place should be more than just a car park and we should be seeking to maximise on its historic setting and layout, and attract more people to come in to use it, enjoy it and shop in it. Interestingly during the public consultation period, of those who participated, 44% thought that the Market Place would benefit from less parking and a further 19% thought it should contain no parking at all.”
The borough council identified regeneration of the Market Place, one that has been in existence for around 900 years, as a vital project to improve the appearance of the town, help develop the local economy, and help further establish Boston as a great visitor destination.
Read more [here].
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